
Showing posts from April, 2024

R2 Recycling Certification – Responsible Electronics Recycling

Avoid contributing to irresponsible recycling that leads to soil and water contamination. Understanding what R2 recycling is will help you determine where to donate your old or outdated electronic devices. New Life Technology Group gathered information about R2 recycling, why it is crucial to environmental preservation, how it influences electronics recycling practices, and how certification is obtained. What is R2 Recycling Certification? R2 recycling certification encompasses standards developed by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI) to ensure electronic waste responsible management. This certification covers all recycling processes, including collection, transportation, processing, and electronic equipment and components resale. Recyclers must undergo a rigorous auditing process by accredited third-party certifying bodies to obtain R2 certification. R2 Certification Components Environmental Responsibility – R2-certified recyclers must comply with strict